Unit 27 Apex Business Village, Annitsford, Cramlington, NE23 7BF

Apex Business Village is located approximately 1½ miles to the south of Cramlington town centre and six miles north of Newcastle upon Tyne City Centre.  The development itself adjoins the Northumberland Business Park site and is located within close proximity to Moor Farm roundabout on the A189/A19 and in turn benefits from easy access to the A1.

The property is situated in a terrace of five office buildings which face the main estate road, towards the rear of the Apex Business Village development.



The property comprises office accommodation across ground and first floor within a building of steel frame construction beneath a pitched tile covered roof.  The unit is set in a development of 47 units laid out in a village setting with high quality landscaping and 4 designated car parking bays per unit.

The building provides good quality office accommodation offering a combination of amenities. Internally there is a full height fully glazed entrance foyer leading to the ground floor accommodation, W/C’s and stairs to the first floor.

  • Male and female WC’s
  • Fully alarmed
  • • Carpet tile covered floor
  • • Ultrafast broadband capabilities (330Mbps download/ 50MBps upload)
  • • 3 compartment dado trunking
  • • Electric roller shutters to front and rear
  • Kitchenette Facilities
  • Suspended ceilings with category II lighting


The unit is available to let from Quarter 4 on a new lease for a term of years to be agreed on full repairing and insuring terms.


The property is available to let at an asking rent of £14,000 per annum exclusive of business rates, estate charge and all other outgoings.


The unit is assessed for business rates as follows:

Unit 27 – GND FLR

Rateable Value (2017 List):             £6,100

Rates Payable 2022/23:                   £0





Unit 27 – 1ST FLR

Rateable Value (2017 List):             £6,500