Dunlop Heywood welcomes new London director

Dunlop Heywood welcomes Joe Slater as Director based in London who specialises in advising on rating matters across the UK for the Hospitality and Leisure Sectors, as well as specialist properties which use the receipts and expenditure method of valuation.

Joe has more than 10 years’ experience in Rating Valuation having previously worked at the Valuation Office Agency in Central London where he gained an in-depth knowledge of several key areas of leisure property valuation and has valued many iconic London luxury hotels. He was a Lead Valuer on the VOA Leisure Team involved in agreeing schemes of valuation for the 2017 Revaluation on a wide range of leisure classes including hotels, public houses, casinos and cinemas.

Joe is therefore ideally placed to advise on hotels and other classes of leisure property where the receipts and expenditure method of valuation is used to determine the rating assessment of a property.