Revised plant and machinery legislation now published

Following the Chancellor’s Spring Statement, the revised plant and machinery legislation has now been published [SI 2022 No.405].

Please note this amendment to the Plant and Machinery Legislation is to afford the same “exceptions” to renewable installations on “host properties” as is currently afforded to stand-alone generators (whose primary function is to export power for sale to consumers).

As such, this will have no impact on your stand-alone AD plants, wind turbines & solar farms.

A rule of thumb is that if your asset has its own business rates assessment, there is no change.

If the renewable installation is included in a valuation as additional plant and machinery (such as a rooftop solar installation on a warehouse) and its primary function is to provide power to the “host property”; this additional plant and machinery will have no effect on the valuation after 01 April 2022.

You can read further on the subject here:

1The Valuation for Rating (Plant and Machinery) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 No 405

2 – SI 540 Combined with 2022 No 405