When managing business rates liabilities, most ratepayers rely on the accepted processes undertaken by Billing Authorities.
Unfortunately, overpayments are easily made due to the inaccurate calculation of charges or incorrect interpretation of legislation in force at the time. Dunlop Heywood’s wealth of knowledge and experience, coupled with our bespoke software systems, means we are ideally placed to identify overpayments.
Dunlop Heywood’s unique approach is to analyse the principles underlying the calculation of historical demand. Our fully trained analysts create a virtual rate liability and compare the results of all paid business rates demands as supplied by your Billing Authority to verify their accuracy. This together with our expert knowledge of business rates legislation, case law and Billing Authority processes, allows us to identify errors and potential miscalculations and claim previously undetected overpayments from as far back as 1995.
All of our research and audit work is done electronically – there is no need for site visits or surveys. We will not take up any of your valuable time or disturb the day-to-day running of your business. Once we receive your authorisation, we will handle everything, from collating your rating information through to arranging the refund of any savings achieved. Dunlop Heywood’s business model is to provide the complete portfolio audit.
For further information please call us on 0161 817 4840 or email Aaron McLeod.