7th August 2023
7th March 2023
New regulations passed to limit rating appeals linked to future Covid pandemics
Regulations to prevent rating appeals consequent on actions taken by public authorities or governments, and their effects, as a result of any future coronavirus pandemic has been passed in the last few days. The Valuation... Continue reading19th February 2023
Hundreds of millions in business rates relief still unclaimed
Around £300 million of business rates relief aimed at firms hit hardest during the Pandemic is still unclaimed, according to Government figures. Analysis of the UK Government’s own data shows that only 80% of the... Continue reading11th August 2022
Covid support funding for hard hit firms still uptapped by many
Almost 18 months after it was first launched only half of all councils in England have started making payments to Covid-hit firms from a £1.5bn Government support package. In March 2021, the Government said that... Continue reading26th May 2022
MCC appeals relating to Covid-19 impact dismissed – Tribunal
Tribunal Decision – MCC Appeals related to the impact of the COVID Pandemic, dismissed. The subject appeals were based on the following premise ‘We propose a 65% ‘stand back’ abatement to the existing rateable value... Continue reading8th April 2022
Covid-19 not a MCC for business rate appeals in Northern Ireland
Covid-19 is not a material change of circumstances for business rate appeals in Northern Ireland following the Non-domestic Rates Coronavirus Bill being passed. This follows similar action taken by the UK Government alongside the devolved... Continue reading3rd February 2022
All party inquiry launched into pub business rates
The All-party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) is conducting an inquiry into pubs’ business rates and asks individual licensees and any interested parties to submit evidence or ideas for reform by Wednesday 17th February 2022. The... Continue reading31st January 2022
VOA latest “Check Challenge Appeal” stats tell two different stories
The latest “Check Challenge Appeal” business rates appeal figures ending December 2021 show the Valuation Office Agency has had the highest ever success rate in resolving checks and challenges since the list began. Whilst this sounds... Continue reading4th January 2022